Love Your Naked Face Challenge

Before college my idea of makeup was flavored chapstick.

Once I was exposed to the world of going out, Cosmopolitan and adulthood I discovered the beautiful world of Sephora. Now, I do not leave the house without a stitch of makeup on my face. Somehow, I even end up to my 5AM shift with eyeliner, concealer and mascara.

Why do I feel the need to wear makeup at every moment of the day? A lot of the time I play with makeup for myself, but is the onyx eyeliner I wear to the gym really for myself?

That being said, my new goal is to feel more comfortable in my own skin and really “face” myself. Get it? I love puns.

Although I don’t even brush or blow dry my hair, I definitely confess to a dimension of superficiality when I slather on my Jergen’s Natural Glow self-tanning sprays and lotions. Also, when I get ready for a night out I play with shadows, lipsticks, maybe cake a few shades of foundations on my face and top it off with fake eyelashes.

I think makeup is a fun way to change up your look, but I don’t like that I’ve become reliant on it. I’ve stopped using my self tanner, and hope to use makeup less frequently. And here’s my naked face:

-1Wish me luck!

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